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Money In. Money Out

April 18th, 2013 at 10:02 pm

We got a completely unexpected medical refund of $102 today! What a nice surprise! But DH's doctor wants him to have a bone scan now, so I imagine the bone scan copayment will eat up much of the refund.

Found out there's a chance DH will get a small pay raise this fall. It still has to pass the State Senate, so we'll see.

Grocery Day

April 17th, 2013 at 10:16 pm

So today is grocery shopping day. Or rather, BIG grocery shopping day. I still need to make a small Aldi run later this week. I can't complain with today's results: Spent $39.42, saved $62.09.Got stocked up on my beloved Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, dishwasher detergent, and dish liquid. Plus other stuff, of course.

We contacted our remaining credit card provider today and got our interest rate reduced by 2%. Hey, it's not huge, but we'll take it!

Since committing ourselves to paying down debt six weeks ago, we've cut our debt by $5086. Not bad!

Here We Go

April 16th, 2013 at 04:57 am

Hello everyone! My hubby and I are committed to eliminating our $57,000 of debt (credit card, car loan, and student loan), plus the $279,000 remaining on our mortgage. We had an epiphany about six weeks ago, when hubby began having health problems. We've since found out he has cancer. Sort of makes you take a step back and reevaluate your life. Suddenly, Botox, Chanel bags, and $300 track suits seemed insignificant. We had to sit down and envision what we really want the rest of our lives to look like, and that vision includes no room for debt.

We've radically revamped our budget and have made significant cuts. We have a small emergency fund of $1000 and are working on saving for upcoming large expenses, such as insurance premiums. We'll have all the money for those expenses put aside by the end of next month. Then, it'll be time to out every extra penny toward debt.

I look forward to the extra accountability blogging will give me!