Home > Grocery Day

Grocery Day

April 17th, 2013 at 10:16 pm

So today is grocery shopping day. Or rather, BIG grocery shopping day. I still need to make a small Aldi run later this week. I can't complain with today's results: Spent $39.42, saved $62.09.Got stocked up on my beloved Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, dishwasher detergent, and dish liquid. Plus other stuff, of course.

We contacted our remaining credit card provider today and got our interest rate reduced by 2%. Hey, it's not huge, but we'll take it!

Since committing ourselves to paying down debt six weeks ago, we've cut our debt by $5086. Not bad!

4 Responses to “Grocery Day”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    That is great news that you could get the interest rate lowered! What tactic did you use...did you just ask?

  2. snafu Says:

    Good on you for taking the initiative and getting CC interest rate down 2%. Sending best wishes and good vibes to DH for an uneventful treatment resulting in the best possible outcome. What have you planned to pay down that CC? $ 5086. reduction of debt is terrific!

    It helps to have a menu plan for at least one week that combines what's already on hand with your grocery list to result in meals your family will eat and enjoy. Ask each person to list their favorite entree, salad, carb/side dish and two veggies. Knowing what you will make is half the battle. If you prefer, just use the loss leaders offered by your preferred grocery outlet. When you're near using up DW detergent or laundry detergent, you might enjoy making your own since it's so dog gone cheap. YouTube is a fun source of 'How To' details.

    Since this is spring clean-out season, I wonder if you're willing to review the rooms and secondary storage for items that are no longer used, enjoyed, serve you/family or needs that might be sold on CraigsList. That money likewise targeted to debt and clears clutter.

    How did you use your tax rebate?

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Sounds like you are doing very well with that amount of debt reduction that quickly.

  4. Allee Says:

    Creditcarefree--we told the CC company that unless they could offer us a better rate, we'd have to switch to another company. It worked!

    Snafu--I do a weekly meal plan, and I find it helpful. As for decluttering, we're in the process. We've listed stuff on Craigslist, eBay, and neighborhood on-line yard sales. We've sold unused jewelry and taken clothes to consignment. In the last 6 weeks, we've brought in over $600 through "decluttering," and we'll be at it for quit a while. The plan to pay down the CC is $150 per month over the minimum during months when we have only our base income. However, some months, we'll be able to pay $3000 or more. Once we get the remainder of our insurance premium saved (next month), every available penny will go to the CC. Tax rebate, let's see, that was in February, before we got serious about debt, but we put it toward CC. Problem was we kept charging!

    Lucky--thanks! We're really working hard!

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